In the name of Allah most gracious and merciful, a trillion of thanks to the mighty God because give me a chance to stay alive in this beautiful and peaceful world. I am strongly believed that God will help those who help themselves. What do great person do? What is a great person? Who is a great person? Where is a great person? How is a great person? Why is a person? Those questions such the WH QUESTION that we are used to ask certain types of questions in our daily life. I am very sure that most of people want to be a great person, so I prefer to analyze what is a great person. It is a good question which I pondered for quite some time. Naturally, everyone will consider themselves as a great person because they want to be paid a compliment from other by acting hypocritically as an unreal great person. So what is a real great person, I feel that a great person is the one who is willing to help anyone that needs it. For example, If a friend of your faces a problem and need your hands to help him. You should be there when called. A friend in need is a friend in deed. So, if you are always willing to help other that means you are the one of a great person. We have to remember that always helping and never hurting. A great person is a person who never huts anyone’s feelings intentionally and if they do it unknowingly, will humbly apologize, throw out the fire and then work it out and as a Malay saying goes “Buang yang keruh, ambil yang jernih”.
Besides that, a great person is a person of values he or she will never compromise. He or she is a great family man who always puts their family first regardless any situation whether it is intended or unintended. Other than that, a great person is the one who is respectful of other’s people right, needs and feeling. We must to hold his and her position highly and never retreats from negative situation.
A great person will always put the needs of other in front of their own. Always being kind and fair in any situation and never showing anger are the good characteristics of a great person. The best words to describes a great person is “A giver and not a taker are”. A great person is a forgiver and not a resentment holder and the one who is a peacemaker and not a fighter.
A great person will allow nothing to stand in his and her way of doing the right thing by everyone and will admit wrong with an apology and he or she is a father or mother who willingly to sacrifice everything. Whatever needs sacrificing, to do what is the best for their children because they realize that children are our future and our future is in their hands. Other than that, a great person has dreams and goals and never let’s other people’s negativity get in their way of pursuing them. Never give up is the best characteristic of a great person as he or she is a person that that fails time after time while doing their best and never, ever quit because when they quit and give up , part of them dies when they quit.
Basically, a great person is a policeman, a doctor, a teacher, a fireman, a soldier, a Scholar , a volunteer, a lawyer, or many more occupations of helping people. A great person is a person who has a high and solid self discipline as he or she will always be on time and never late. Frequent tardiness to an appointment or anything that has a structured time frame is unacceptable, if it does take place, will always offer apology and never let it occurs again.
In short, I guess these are the best characteristics of a great person that we should mixed and blend all together these different elements in order to be a great person in this world. Now, I got a question for you my friends especially my classmates (dip in fin) and everyone else reading this and myself…
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