Peace be upon all my buddies, First of all thanks to those who visiting my Blog (This is my world) Hats off to all of your because want to spend your worth and golden time to have a look here. I would like to say that I am enthusiastically to create this blog as I got my own motive to do this work. As we’ve known and exposed to the importance of blog to all of us. I am as a student got my own perception of importance to build a blog. As a student, we have to be creative and competent so that we are able to be innovative student who can contribute something to benefits of humanity. I am strongly believe if we are not dare to move our steps in front of the challenging world for sure we are absolutely out of date and unmarketable in the labor markets . Besides that, in my theory blogging is able to give me satisfaction that it gives me tremendous pleasure when my thoughts and ideas are of some inspiration to my audiences. Moreover, blogging is a free flowing and free to consume mode of educating our readers Just like the bloggers write at their paces, the readers have the freedom to choose and learn the stuff that he/she wants. Therefore, providing free education is the next most important benefit for me. Apart from that, the most important benefits that I will obtain is enhance my writing skills especially in English. The the writing gives me the shortest possible turnaround time to become a famous writer or to continuously improve on my writing skills as compared to the print media. Moreover, when i blog i am actually publishing more often in lesser quantities that helps me to assess and improve continuously. INSYALLAH. Other than that, I am also can boost my reading habits. In order to be a good writer, I have to be a greater reader. Ultimately, blogging is able to build up myself discipline as a student due to blogging adds certain amount of discipline to my blogger’s life. Hopefully all of my beloved friends will support my effort through this blog(This is my life). As I said before we are not born to be somebody, but create ourselves to be somebody. By now I want to create myself to be the best human being in the world. Ameen
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