MY ANSWER FOR EXERCISES 2 OF MQF 1033(Business Statistics)
Exercise 2
What is the level of measurement for these items related to the newspaper business?
a. The number of papers sold each Sunday during 2009- the level if measurement for this variable is RATIO. It is because the number of papers sold is a quantitative data which it indicates how many papers do the newspaper business sold each Sunday during 2009. Other than that, if the newspaper business don’t’ sell papers during 2009, then the number of papers sold each Sunday is ZERO (0). It shown that the zero point is the absence of the characteristic.
b. The department, such editorial, advertising, sports, etc. the level of measurement for this variable is NOMINAL because of the variable can be arranged into classes regardless of particular order. We can put the advertising first instead of editorial.
c. A summary of the number of papers sold by country- the level of measurement for this variable is RATIO It is because the data regarding of number of papers. Moreover, the data is able to calculate in a form of proportion
d. The number of years employed by the newspaper for each employee- the level of measurement for this variable is RATIO because it is a quantitative data. We can also calculate the number of years employed by the newspapers for each employee in a form of proportion or ratio. Besides that, the point 0 is meaningful.
4. For each of the following, determine whether the group is a sample or a population.
a. The participants in a study of a new cholesterol drug- the group is a sample due to the participants in the study are a part of the population of interest.
b. The drivers who received a speeding a speeding ticket in Kansas City last month- The group is a population because of the drivers in Kansas City are the entire set of individuals of interest.
c. Those on welfare in Cook Country (Chicago), Illinois. – This group is a population because of the people on welfare in Cook Country is the entire set of individuals of interest.
d. The 30 stocks reported as a part of Dow Jones Industrial Average. - The group is a sample from population. It is because the 30 stocks are a part of population of interest
p/s: 0000- for clue
0000-Answer. All of these answers had been discussed
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