Terima Kasih. I would to say thank you from the bottom of heart, but for you my has no bottom
In the name of Allah Most Gracious and Most Merciful..a thousand thanks to Him, all praised due to Allah.
Terima Kasih..It is such a wonderful word to us
Terima Kasih..It makes our world is so meaningful
Terima Kasih..It changes our life from nothing to everything
Terima Kasih..It makes thousand people smile
Terima Kasih..It is motivational words to you and me
Terima Kasih..It is necessity rather than want.we need it
Terima Kasih..It can buy happiness, Money not
Terima Kasih..It tells us everything is possible
Terima Kasih..It inspires us to keep our chin up
Terima Kasih..It helps us to move faster
Terima Kasih..It makes you feel " I am the part of your life"
Terima Kasih..no sorrowfulness, only happiness
Walaupun hidup kita tak sentiasa bahagia, ceria, dan di penuhi dengan gelak ketawa kawan-kawan, saya sentiasa berterima kasih kerana masih mampu bernafas di dunia ini..
Walaupun dunia ini tak seperti dunia yang diinginkan, ku tetap berterima kasih dengan apa yang telah diberikan

By saying Terima Kasih...Kita Mampu buat seseorang bahagia dan rasa dihargai..

Terima Kasih for being my friend
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