1. Well-written memos and e-mail messages can enhance the writer's image within the organization - TRUE
-pg 101
2. E-mail should be used to send internal communication only
3. During the prewriting phase of the writing process, you should decide whether to send a hard-copy memo or an e-mail message
-pg 104
4. Since e-mail messages are more casual than other business message, little editing or proofreading is required
5.When you send an e-mail, you don't need to worry because today's smart computers will correct any errors you make in keyboarding the recipient's email address
-pg 106
6. E-mail is the perfect medium in which to use rumor when writing to colleagues
-pg 108
7. Capital letters in an email message should be used only to show emphasis and for titles
8. E-mail messages and memos that distribute information, describe procedures and deliver instructions typically flow downward from management to employees
-pg 114
9.Letter that follow up customer orders can offer excellent opportunities to improve the company image to sell products
-pg 140
10. One important goal in responding to a consumer claim letter is to promote future business and goodwill
-pg 142
11. The most effective way to begin a customer claim letter is to explain what went wrong
pg 142
12. Only specialists who write sales letters should learn the techniques for writing these letters
-pg 177
13. The opening of a sales letter is one of its most critical elements
-pg 178
14. By the time you finish this letter, you will know how your company can save up to RM10,000 each year is an example of using a promise to gain your reader's attention
pg 326
15. Many successful selling campaigns use both rational and emotional appeals
pg 178
16. When a business writer is concerned about how a bad-news message will affect the reader,it's best to use the direct strategy
-pg 201
17. When a problem occurs, most business professionals first call the individual involved
-pg 200
18. If a problem is resolved on the telephone, there is no need to follow up with a letter.
-pg 200
19. Business reports are presented in writing, not orally
pg 227
20. Business reports can be defined as "systematic attempts to answer questions and solve problems
-pg 227
21. The two broad categories of business reports are information reports and feasibility reports
-pg 227
22. Most proposals begin with identifying the problem and discussing the goals or purposes of the project
-pg 254
23. Secondary data are easier and cheaper to develop than primary data
-pg 258
24. The most effective of all communication channels is face-to-face communication
pg 297
25. When trying to resolve conflict, you should never simply withdraw from the conflict
-pg 303
26. The first step in dealing with conflict is to listen carefully to make sure you understand the problem
-pg 304
27. Meetings offer excellent opportunities to demonstrate your leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills
- pg 308
28. Of you expect your audience to be friendly, your delivery style should be warm, pleasant, and open
-pg 324
29. You should begin your oral presentation with something like it's a pleasure to be here to sound professional
-pg 325
30. The biggest problem problem with most oral presentations is a failure to focus on a few principal ideas
-pg 326
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