In the name of Allah most gracious and most merciful..All praise due to Allah..
Power for Allah
Mighty for Allah
He is king of kings
Thanks Allah for giving me opportunity to stay alive till now to continue my journey in this duniyaa
to continue this journey..
Power is needed
Strength is Compulsory
Love is necessary
Support is like battery
Today on 20 may 2011..again, all praises due to Allah..I love myself..i wanna be the best for my beloved one..
Life is like a library owned by the author.
In it are a few books which he wrote himself,
but most of them were written for him.
In it are a few books which he wrote himself,
but most of them were written for him.
Thanks for the wishes
May Allah bless all of you..ameen
I owed to:
Sweetheart Said: Hepy burfday syg..I cintakan syg..I love u syg..Slmt umo 20..hahaha..I love sayang

Iqram said:Hepi Burfday to Ahmad Finance :D moga2 ko dipanjangkan umur dan sentiasa dimurahkan rezeki aminnn..

Nazmi said: Ahmad Finance happy beday bro..heheh..semoge hidup di berkati Allah SWT..and all the best ahmad..:))

edy said:happy birthday bro.Camne nk kenakan ko erk?wawawa.......

Qui said:Selamat Hari Lahir! Semoga Panjang Umur dan Murah Rezeki! Sejahtera dunia akhirat. =)

Munie said:kewek tol ahmad pegi tutup wall. aku nak wish HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAY ALLAH BLESS YOU nie. huh. kbai.

Nana said: Happy Birthday

Zali saidhappy birthday bro amat..semoga dipanjang kn usia dan dimurah kn rezeki,,grande capitano..

Wanie said:Happy birthday Ahamd :)

Sue said:hapy b'day....

Iena Farisya said; Happy Birthday... ahmad... x sangka bzday kte dekat2.. =)=)=)
ayoo pnjangnyaa.. baik.. terima kasih bnyak2 ats doa yg diberi.. amin.. insyaAllah... aminn... semoga kejayaan jge milik kw.. semoga cita2 kw tercapai.. mge impian kw terlaksana... 'we are not born to be somebody, but we create ourselves to be somebody' thank u.. tetibe ske ap kw ckp td.. =) n terima kasih bnyak2... happy bzday... hav a nice day.. =)=)

Syafiq said: slamat hari lahir kawan

Amirul said: apy berday

Datin Said:hepy besday....~
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